Thursday, March 20, 2008

@ The Bean Cycle

The Bean Cycle is a local coffee shop here in fort collins connected with your everyday anarchist used  bookstore.  I discovered it on a random date I went on the first week I lived here in CO ... and well lets just say it was the best thing that came out of that date.  I've spent many a morning/afternoon/night working there, drinking coffee and hanging out with friends.  All and all I love it.  It is owned by two sisters and their brother ... I think (don't hold me to that) and everyone there is into riding bikes and hanging out and spending time outside.  It has a good vibe.  But as always, there are two things that really freaking piss me off about the Bean Cycle ... and I just need to vent.

1) Sometimes their service just sucks.  They don't really seem to have any policy on how much time people are allowed to spend randomly talking to people rather than making my coffee.  There have been many occasions where I have stood in line for over 10 min ... while they make one persons smoothie and I have just left because I don't think that they will ever get to me.  Not so good for business if you ask me.  They need to make a list and write down people's names and then call them up to the counter when their drinks are done ... I HATE WATING IN LINE!!!!  There is also this one girl who works there who drives me nuts ... mostly because she is very slow and she always tries to have these weird/random conversations with every single person who she makes coffee for.  Whatever ... maybe I am just a bitch.

2)  I am worried that I might die from drinking the water there.  Their tap water tastes like their bathroom smells... which I realize is totally gross, but it is also true, and I am not the only one who feels that way.  I always make sure to bring a big bottle of water with me when I go to the Bean Cycle ... because well I can't drink the plain water they provide.  It has a metallic, moldy dingy gross taste and I am pretty sure its because the building is over 100 years old and the pipes have never been changed.  If I had children .. I wouldn't allow them to drink things made with the water from the bean cycle for fear of lead poisoning.  Funny how I don't really notice this taste when I drink the coffee there ... good thing :)

But after all my moaning and bitching ... I still end up at the bean cycle at least once a week ... if not more.  It's awesome :)  Fair Trade coffee makes me happy!


Anna said...

Guess where I am as I read this?? Yep, you guessed it, and I just finished a big mason jar of water. Yum :)

Pete said...

Your first week in CO you had a date already!!!??? Rachel, your such a stud!

Rachel said...

If you guys read this.

Anna - the water there is gross... you can't deny it.

Pete - lets just say things have been down hill since that first week here in co :)