So Laura tagged me in this blog chain letter thing. I normally think these things are lame, but this one sounded fun, so I am passing it along.
Top shelf fifth from the Right -
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
So I read this book when I was 13 and volunteering at the library during the summer and I remember really liking it. This was the start of my "I wish I was a prep school boy" phase and I was reading a lot of 1920s/30s literature (Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Elliot ...) and fantasizing about getting up early and rowing crew on a lake in New England, wearing preppy sweaters and dicking around. I realize that it is probably a little strange for a girl to dream about being a prep school boy ... but its not that I ever wanted to actually be a boy. I just wanted to live the carefree life of wealthily playboy in the 1920s. Of course if I had actually paid any attention to the the books I was reading I would have realized that life was not really what I wanted at all ... oh well. What can I say, I was a little too obsessed with the Dead Poet Society. I should probably re-read This Side of Paradise again and see what I think about it now!
Bottom shelf, fifth from the left - (this one is funny)
The Dieter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex by Richard Smith.
So before you start getting any crazy ideas in your head ... my roommate in college my freshmen year gave me this book for my birthday. It was a pretty hilarious gift ... unfortunately for me this book is not really all that useful right now, given my current state of spinsterhood, but maybe one day (hopefully soon) I can start my new exercise regime??? To give you taste of what this book is all about I will now open to a random page and share ...
Page 85
Consequence of Premature Ejaculation for Male (I swear this is the first page I opened up to)
Activity.................................... Calories Burned
Pleading for mercy............................8
Begging for another chance .............15
Haha, this book is filled with other wonderful gems ... and now when someone searched "premature ejaculation" on the internet, my blog will probably show up ...